Convoke the Spirits is a 2-minute cooldown that casts 16 arrc issues sofr recommendations for intercompany loans spells overa 4-second channel. Approximately 3/4 of the abilities cast will be Balancespells as long as you are in Moonkin Form. Starfall costs Astral Power to surround yourself with a wide-radiusdamaging aura for 8 seconds. This is an Astral damage spell and benefits fromboth Nature and Arcane damage buffs. Lunar Calling removes Solar Eclipse from our rotation, only allowingus to enter Lunar Eclipse.
We first presentthe how to calculate sales volume variance stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Our content is updated forWorld of Warcraft — The War Within (Season 1). Innervate is a buff you can place on an allied healer, which allowsthem to cast spells free of Mana cost for 12 seconds.
Mobility Class Tree Abilities
Rising Light, Falling Night increases damage and healing during the dayand Versatility during the night. Starlight Conduit increases Wrath, Starsurge, and Starfire damage. Starlord grants you 2% to 4% Haste for each Starfall and Starsurge.
Mastery is better than the other secondary stats, but other . Mass Entanglement roots the target and all nearby targets for30-seconds. Ursol’s Vortex creates a circular zone that slows enemies and drawsthem back to the center once. Typhoon can be used to push back mobs, possibly interrupting theircasts or just allowing you to kite them. Swiftmend consumes one heal over time to instantly heal your target. Lore of the Grove increases Moonfire and Sunfiredamage as well as Rejuvenation and Wild Growth healing.
Balance Druid DPS Stat Priority — The War Within (Season
New Moon is a 3-charge spell with a 30-second recharge rate. Each cast empowers the damage ofthe next spell and doubles the Astral Power it generates. The third cast becomesFull Moon, which also cleaves units around your target. Then, the spell resets.This is an Astral damage spell and benefits from both Nature and Arcane damagebuffs.
Basic Abilities for Balance Druids
Get an Astral Power tracker and learn the ebb and flow of the rotation. Youare often going to pool to 60 or 70 Astral Power before leaving an Eclipse andthen spending at the start of the following Eclipse. Leaving an Eclipse withmuch more Astral Power than 70 can cause you to naturally overcap through procsand your pre-Eclipse casts. Balance Druid DoTs are both important for the damage and Astral Power theygenerate as well as buffing the damage you do just by being on the target. Ifyou feel as though your damage is low, DoT uptime is one of the first thingsyou should check.
- Using your Cooldowns properly is the difference between doing good damage anddoing great damage.
- Lunation reduces the cooldown of Fury of Elune and New Moon when you cast an arcane spell like Moonfire or Starfire.
- It reducesyour cooldown to 2 minutes and performs a line cursor-targeted attack thatdeals damage and applies Stellar Flare.
- If you do end up going into a new fight or dungeon group and you are notsure what is going to happen, just use your cooldowns immediately until youknow the fight.
- This is an Astral damage spell and benefits fromboth Nature and Arcane damage buffs.
- Lunar Eclipse increasesthe damage and Astral Power generated by Starfire for each target hit.
Solstice increases the proc rate of Shooting Stars by 200%in the first 6-seconds of Eclipse. Force of Nature is a 1-minute cooldown that summons three Treants for10 seconds, which taunt and attack enemies. understanding quickbooks lists Cenarius’ Might increases Haste when you enter an Eclipse. There are several useful macros for the above spells on the macro page, whichcan greatly increase your quality of life.
Critical Strike increases your chance to critically hit with allspells and abilities. This stat has an element of randomness, meaning that itmay not always be as effective as other stats or may be more effective thanother stats on a fight-by-fight basis. It reducesyour cooldown to 2 minutes and performs a line cursor-targeted attack thatdeals damage and applies Stellar Flare. This is an Astral damage spelland benefits from both Nature and Arcane damage buffs.
Best Balance Druid Talent Tree Builds – The War Within 11.0.2
This buff stacks to three and lasts 15 seconds beforeresetting. Umbral Embrace gives your Wrath and Starfire achance to increase the damage of your next generator and make it becomeAstral damage. Touch of the Cosmos has a chance to make your next spender free whencasting Wrath or Starfire in an Eclipse. Nature’s Balance generates Astral Power over time and resets yourAstral Power to 50 out of combat.